PXCV | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PXCVI | PXCVIIa |
1 O sing ye loudly to the LORD
new songs of sacred mirth;
O sing ye praises to the LORD,
all people through the earth.
2 O cheerfully sing to the LORD,
and bless his sacred name;
And his salvation ev'ry day
to all the world proclaim.
3 His glory in Himself and works,
among the nations show;
His works that are most marvellous
let all the people know.
4 For great, JEHOVAH is indeed,
and greatly prais'd to be;
Above all GODS to be ador'd,
and to be fear'd is He.
5 For of the heathen ail the Gods
vain and base idols are;
But by the LORD, whom we adore,
the heav'ns created were.
6 Glory and comely majesty
appear before his face,
Excelling pow'r with beauty join'd
within his holy place.
7 O to the LORD ye people yield,
and all of ev'ry tribe;
All glory to JEHOVAH yield,
and mighty pow'r ascribe.
8 The glory to JEHOVAH give,
that to his name is due;
Come ye into his courts, and bring
an offering with you.
9 Worship the LORD in his abode,
his beauteous, holy place;
And let the universal earth
tremble before his face.
10 Thro' nations say, JEHOVAH reigns,
the world confirm'd shall be;
It shall not move, but righteously
the people judge will He.
11 O let the heav'ns be glad,
and let the earth rejoice;
The sea and fulness of the same
with roaring make a noise.
12 O let the fields and all therein
with joyful triumph sing;
Then all the trees throughout the woods
with shouts of joy shall ring.
13 Before the LORD; for lo He comes,
He comes the earth to try;
He'll judge his people with his truth,
the world with equity.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O sing ye loudly to the LORD |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |