PXCIV | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PXCV | PXCVI |
1 O come, and let us to the LORD,
lift up a joyful voice;
And to our rock of safety shout,
and make triumphant noise.
2 Before Him let us early come
with thankfulness and praise;
And with the joyful noise of hymns
aloud our voices raise.
3 Because this God JEHOVAH is,
exceeding great and high;
And a great King above all GODS,
in power and majesty.
4 All the deep caverns in the earth,
are in his mighty hand;
The mountains high in all their strength
are his, and by Him stand.
5 To Him the spacious sea belongs,
because He made the same;
And all the land abroad is his,
for it his hand did frame.
[2 Part]
6 O come, and let us all adore,
bow down, and on Him call;
Come, let us kneel before the LORD,
the maker of us all.
7 Because He is our, God, and we
his pasture's people are;
And of his hand the sheep, if ye
to day his voice will hear;
8 'O let not, as at Meribah,
'hardness your hearts possess,
'As in the day of Massah they
'did in the wilderness.
9 'Where your presumptuous ancestors,
'too boldly tempted Me;
'Where they me prov'd, and where my works
'their wondring eyes did see.
10 'Forty years long I grieved was
'with that rebellious race;
'And said, this people err in heart,
'and will not know my ways.
11 'So that to them I sware in wrath,
'then kindling in my breast;
'That they should never enter in
'my happy place of rest.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O come, and let us to the LORD |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |