1 Resolv'd to watch o'er all my Ways,
I strove to keep my Tongue in Awe;
And curb'd with Care, my hasty Words,
When I the prosp'rous wicked saw;
From good Discourse I did refrain,
But that increas'd my inward Pain.
2 My Heart did glow, which working Thoughts,
Did in my Bosom restless make;
And warm Reflection fann'd the Fire,
'Till with my Tongue at last I spake:
And thus with eager Zeal express'd,
The Thought that labor'd in my Breast.
3 LORD, let me know my Term of Days,
And show how soon my Life will end;
The num'rous Train of Ills disclose,
Which still on this frail State attend:
A Span will measure all my Years,
My Life but Vanity appears.
4 Man, like a Shadow, vainly walks,
With fruitless Cares opprest;
He heaps up Wealth, but cannot tell,
By whom 'twill be possess'd'
Why should I then on Toys attend,
My Hopes on thee shall still depend.
Part II
5 Forgive my Sins, nor let me scorn'd,
By proud disdainful Sinners, be;
I silent was, and murmur'd not,
Because I saw 'twas done by thee.
The Burden of thy Wrath remove,
Lest my frail Flesh too weak should prove.
6 For when thou chast'nest Man for Sin,
Thou mak'st his Beauty soon to fade;
It wastes away ev'n like a Cloth,
That is by fretting Moths decay'd:
So vain in ev'ry earthly Joy,
And Life itself is but a Toy.
7 LORD, hear my Cry, accept my Tears,
And listen to my humble Pray'r,
Who sojourn like a Stranger here,
As all my Fore-fathers likewise were.
Oh spare me, and my Strength restore,
Before I shall be seen no more!