1 I waited meekly for the LORD,
Who heard my mournful Cry,
And gave a kind Reply;
His Help he did to me afford,
And to my humble Pray'r,
Inclin'd a gracious Ear.
2 He took me from the dismal Pit,
When founder'd deep in Clay,
Nor suffer'd me to stray;
On solid Ground He plac'e my Feet,
Where I secure reamin'd,
By his strong Arm sustain'd.
3 The Wonders he for me has wrought,
Shall fill my Mouth with Praise,
And other's Hopes shall raise;
Who to his holy Worship brought,
Shall in his House attend,
And on the LORD depend.
4 For Blessings shall that Man reward,
Who on our GOD relies;
The Hypocrite's Disguise,
He treats with Scorn and Disregard,
And hates the treach'rous Mind,
To Falshodd e'er inclin'd.
5 The Wonders thou for us hast wrought,
O LORD! who can recount?
Thy Mercies do surmount
The Pow'r of Numbers, Speech and Thought:
The sweet Effects we prove,
Of thy continual Love
6 I've learn'd that Sacrifice alone,
LORD, thou hast not desir'd;
Nor Blood of Beasts requir'd,
For Man's Transgression to atone:
That Off'rings are but vain,
Thy Pardon to obtain.
7 I therefor come--come to fulfil,
Whate'er thy Books impart;
Thy Law's within my Heart,
'Tis my Delight to do thy Will;
Now will I e'er withstand,
O LORD, thy just Command.
Part II
8 In full Assemblies I have told,
Thy Righteousness at large;
Whate'er you gav'st in Charge,
My Lips thou know'st did not with-hold:
But preach'd thy saving Grace,
That all might Truth embrace.
9 That Love to others I declar'd
O LORD, extend to me;
May'st thou my Safeguard be,
And make thy Mercy my Reward;
For I am sore distress'd,
With Loads of Guilt oppress'd,
10 My Sins exceed in their Amount,
The Hairs upon my Head;
My Soul is fill'd with Dread,
My vanquish'd Courage they surmount;
So great the Troubles are,
Which drive me to Despair.
11 But, LORD! to my Relief draw near,
For never was more Need;
Oh hasten thou with Speed,
And in my injur'd Cause appear!
To my Deliv'rance come,
And change my threaten'd Doom.
12 Confusion on their Heads return,
Who for my Soul combine;
Ensnar'd in their Design,
Let them, defeated, blush and mourn,
To find their Feet betray'd,
In Plots themselves had laid.
14 Their Doom let Desolation be;
Their Malice, LORD< requite,
Who, urg'd by wicked Spite,
Still mock'd by Confidence in thee;
And did with Scorn express,
Their Joy at my Distress.
15 While those, who humbly seek thy Face,
To Triumphs shall be rais'd;
And say, "The LORD be prais'd!
All those who prize thy saving Grace,
Thy Goodness shall resound,
To all the Nations round.
16 Of m,e th' Almighty LORD takes Care,
Although he knows I'm poor:
Thou, GOD, that can'st restore,
To my Relief with Speed repair;
For thou art still my Friend,
On whom I will depend.
Text Information | |
First Line: | I waited meekly for the Lord |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Prayers: When percecuted; Prayers: Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prophecies: Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Sacrifice(1 more...) |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [I waited meekly for the Lord] |
Key: | F Major |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |