Text: | The Song of Deborah |
1.Praise ye the Lord, who hath aveng'd
His Isr' el, on their haughty Foes;
When the brave People freely did
Their Lives, for Liberty, expose.
3. Hear, O ye Kings, Princes give Ear,
Whilst I to great Jehovah sing;
In sacred Numbers shout the Praise
Of ISr'els God, th' almighty King.
4. When God from Mount Seir march'd in State,
And turn'd from Edom's lofty Tow'rs,
Th' Earth shook, the Heav'ns in Thunders dropt,
The Clouds pour'd down their rapid Show'rs.
5. The Mountains flam'd, and melting flow'd,
Nor could Jehovah's Presence bear;
So Sinai unknown Terrors felt,
When Isr'el's God was present there.
6. In Shangar's Anath's valiant Son,
And famous Jael's former Days,
The Roads, by Trav'lers were untrod;
Who fearful, walk'd thro' secret Ways.
7. The Villages were broken up,
Their Lands uncultivate were lay'd;
Untill I Deborah was rais'd
And Mother in God's Isr'el made.
8. New Gods their sickly Fancies chose,
Fierce Wars their Gates invaded then;
Was Shield, or Spear, in Isr'el's Tents
Seen among Forty Thousand Men?
9. My Heart is set on Isr'el's Chiefs,
Who offer'd of their own Accord,
Bravely to join, and head the Troops
In Battle: Blessed be the Lord.
10. Sing ye that on white Asses ride.
And now secure in Judgment sit.
Ye Trav'lers join the sacred Song,
Who safely go where ye think fit.
11. Ye that from th' Archer's Noise are freed,
Lurking at ev'ry watering Place,
Jehovah's righteous Doings, now
May there rehearse, in Songs of Praise:
The truely gracious Actions he
To Isr'els Villages hath shown;
That now the People of the Lord,
Safe to their Borders, may go down.
12. Wake Deb'rah, wake, excite thy Pow'rs,
His Fame, in sacred Hymns, to spread;
Rise, Barak, thou Abinoam's Son,
Thy captiv'd Foes, in Triumph, lead.
13. Thus Carman's Nobles he reduc'd,
And put beneath his Remnant's Feet;
The Lord, to my Dominion, forc'd
Their mighty Captains to submit.
14. From Ephraim's Mount there came aRoot,
Which with fierce Amalek emgag'd.
Benjamin follow'd close, and join'd
His Forces, where the Battle rag'd.
From Machir's Stock, renown'd of old,
There come great Captains, famous Men;
And Zebulun sent such as knew
To weild the Sword, and use the Pen.
15. The noble Lords of Isachar
To Deborah their Forces led;
On Foot they march'd down to the Vale,
With gallant Barak at their Head.
But Reuben seperate remain'd,
Distant in Mind, much more than Parts;
The Conduct of which potent Tribe
Made great Impressions on our Hearts.
16. Did'st fear the losing of thy Sheep,
That thou among the Sheepfolds stay'd?
Thee, has the Bleating of thy Flocks,
To base Neutrality betray'd?
Truly thy Conduct, Reuben, who
So wholly seperate remained;
And would not join so good a Cause,
Our Hearts has griev'd, thy Glory stain'd.
17. So beyond Jordan, Gilead stay'd:
And why did Dan in Ships abide?
While Ashur clung to his Sea Shore,
To hide in Creeks, or curb the Tide.
18. But Zehulun, and Naphtali,
Were ready, for the publick Good,
In the high Places of the Field,
To risk their Lives, and spend their Blood.
19. Confederate Kings of Canaan came,
With Jabin join'd, and for him sought,
In Tannach, by Megiddo's Stream;
But lost the Booty which they fought.
20. They fought from Heav'n, th' marshal'd Stars,
Each active in their stated Course,
Exert their Influence, and fought;
Against proud Sis'ra bent their Force.
21. The River Kishon swept them off;
That ancient River, here well known
A Brook, now to a River swol'n:
Thou, O my Soul, hast Strength trod down?
22. The fierce Rencounters of their Horse,
In hasty Flight, each other wound;
Their Speed is stop'd, they tumbling cast
Their mighty Riders to the Ground.
23. Curse Meroz, said God's Angel, Curse
All bitterly to her belong;
For they refus'd to help the Lord,
To aid his Arms against the strong.
24. Bless'd Jael Kenite Heber's Wife,
Shall be above all Women-kind;
Her Fame, beyond her Sex, shall spread,
In ev'ry Tent, to ev'ry Wind.
25. He Water ask'd; to quench his Thirst,
She gave him Milk, beyond his Wish:
She brought forth Butter to regale,
And serv'd him in a lordly Dish.
26. She took the Tent Nail in her Hand,
Her Right-hand seiz'd the Hammer fast;
Thro' Sis'ra's Temples drove the Spike,
And then cut off his Head at last.
27. He started, stagger'd, in a Maze,
He fell, down at her Feet lay spread;
Close at her Feet he bow'd, he fell,
There where he bow'd, he fell down dead.
28. His Mother thro' the Window look'd,
And cry'd, impatient for her Son,
Why does his Chariot stay so long?
Why do the Wheels so slowly run?
29. Her prudent Ladies answer'd her;
Yea, eager, she herself reply'd,
30. Have they not sped? and now a Prey,
To each a Maid or two, divide?
Is n't Sis'ra choosing, from the Spoils,
Rich Robes, which beauteous Colours deck,
Of Needle Work, on either Side,
Fit to adorn the Conqu'rour's Neck?
31. So, Lord, may all thine Enemies
In Ruin sink, and perish quite:
But those that love Thee, like the Sun
Be when he marcheth in his Might.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Praise ye the Lord, who hath aveng'd |
Title: | The Song of Deborah |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |