1. Let Heav'n's wide Arch, while I shall speak,
Give an attentive Ear:
And hear, O Earth! th' important Truths
My Mouth shall now declare.
2. As Rain from Heav'n, my Doctrine drops,
My Speech, as Dew, distills;
As gentle Rains on tender Herbs,
And Show'rs on grassy Hills.
3. While I, Jehovah's glorious Name,
Shall publish all abroad;
With awful Reverence, ascribe
Ye Greatness to our God.
4. A Rock, whose Work Perfection claims,
His Ways all Judgment are;
A God of Truth, unspotted pure,
And just beyond compare.
5. But they themselves corrupted have.,
Their Spot's, they're not his Sons;
They're a perverse, and crooked Race,
A Race of wicked Ones.
6. Oh! foolish People, and unwise!
Do' ye thus the Lord requite?
Thy Father is he not, who bought.
Thee made, and girt with Might?
7. Remember ancient Times, review
The Ages past and gone;
Thy Father ask, and Elders, they
Will tell what God hath done.
8. When God the Nation's Lots assign'd,
To Adam's Sons their Place;
He set their Bounds with special Eye
To Isr'el's num'rous Race.
9. Jehovah, for his Portion, doth
His People high advance;
Jacob he chose the special Lot
Of his Inheritance.
10. In Sinai's Desert howling Waste,
There found him the Most-High;
He led, and taught, and kept him safe.
As th' Apple of his Eye.
11. As th' Eagle flutters o'er her Young,
And chears the feeble Things;
Her Pinions spreads, and takes them up,
And bears them on her Wings.
12. So did the Lord alone sustain,
And lead them in his Care;
And to assist him there wss none,
No foreign God was there.
13. On Earth's high Places made him ride
Rich, Fields supply his Want;
To suck sweet Honey from the Rock,
And Oyl from th' Adamant:
14. Butter of Kine, and Milk of Sheep,
Fat Lambs of Bashaan's Brood,
With Goats, and finest Wheat, to eat;
And drink the Grapes pure Blood.
15. But Jesh'run waxed fat and kick'd;
High pamper'd, and adorn'd.
His Maker he forsook; the Rock
Of his Salvation scorn'd.
16. His Jealousy provok'd they with
Strange Gods, their fond Delights;
And kindled up his burning Wrath,
With their detested Rites.
17. To Idols, Devils, not to God,
They Altars madly rear'd;
To unknown, new and upstart Gods,
Their Fathers never fear'd.
18. The Rock of Ages thee begat,
Sure thou remember'st not;
The God that form'd, and nourish'd thee,
Thou vilely hast forgot.
19. When this Jebovah saw, their Deeds
His just Abhorrence mov'd;
Because a Provocation great
His Sons, and Daughters, prov'd.
20. Therefore he said, I'll mark their End,
From them I'll hide my Face;
For they are froward Children grown,
A very faithless Race.
21. Since they, with that which is not God,
Have mov'd my Jealousy;
My Anger greatly have provok'd
With lying Vanity;
Their Rage I'll with a People move,
Who're only so in Name;
And with a foolish Nation I
Their Anger will enflame.
22. A Fire is kindled in my Wrath,
Which down to Hell shall burn;
The Earth's Encrease, and Mountains Base,
Shall into Ashes turn.
23. I'll Loads of Mischief on them heap;
My pointed Arrows spend.
24. Hunger to burn, and Heat devour,
With bitter Deaths I'll send:
I'll order Teeth of savage Beasts
Their viral Blood to spill;
The crawling Serpent of the Dust
Shall them with Poison kill.
25. The Sword without. Terror within,
Shall seize young Men, and Maids,
And slay them, with the sucking Child,
And Men of hoary Heads.
26. I said, that I would scatter them,
In ev'ry distant Coast;
Make their Remembrance among Men
To be entirely lost.
27. But that I fear'd the Pride of Foes,
Lest insolently they
Behave; and our high Hand, not God,
Hath done all this should say.
28. For they're a Nation void of Sense,
Nor Wisdom's Rules attend.
29. Oh! were they wise, this understood,
And thought on their last End.
30. How should One chace a Thousand? Two
Ten Thousand put to Flight?
Except their Rock had sold them Slaves,
The Lord restrain'd their Might?
31. For their weak Rock can ne'er with our
Almighty Rock compare;
Our Enemies themselves must own,
If they the Judges were.
32. Their Vine's of Sodom's vicious Stock,
And from Gomorrah's Fields;
Which brings forth nought but Grapes of Gall,
And bitter Clusters yields.
33. There Wine's the Dragon's Poison, sell
Venom of Asps congeal'd.
34. Is not this kept in Store with me;
And with my Treasures seal'd.
35. Vengeance, and Recompence, are mine,
They'll fall the Time decreed;
Their woful Day is near at Hand,
Their Mis'ry comes with Speed.
36. Yet God his People's Cause will plead,
For's Servant Sake repent;
When none shut up, and lest, he sees,
And all their Strength is spent.
37. Then will he say, "Where are your Gods,
"You look'd to for Defence?
"Where's now your Rock of Strength, in whom
"Ye plac'd your Confidence?
38. "Which on fat Sacrifices fed,
"And crown'd with Wine the Board?
"Now let them rise, Protection give,
"And needed Help afford.
39. Know ye, that I, ev'n I am he,
"No God with me I have;
"I kill, revive, I wound, and heal,
"None from my Hands can save.
40. "For I to Heav'n, my Throne above,
"Lift up my Hand on high;
"And solemnly I sware, as sure
"As ever live do I.
41. "If I shall whet my glit'ring Sword,
"And hold on Judgment lay;
"I'll render Veng'ance to my Foes,
"My Haters I'll repay.
42. "I'll make my Sword devour their Flesh,
"Mine Arrows drunk with Blood
"Of slain, and Captives; on their Chiefs
"Revenges I'll make good.
43. Ye Nations join his People's Joy;
For he will on their Foe
Revenge their Blood; but to his Land
And People, Mercy show.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Let Heav'n's wide Arch, while I shall speak |
Title: | Moses's Prophetick Song |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |