1 Honest and truly, Lord,
Sometimes my feet would stray,
Honest and truly, Lord,
Sometimes I've lost my way,
Tho I have faltered here,
Take me and keep me near,
Close to Thy side I would ever abide,
Honest and truly, Lord.
2 Honest and truly, Lord,
Help me each task to face,
Teach me to fear Thy word,
Make me to grow in grace,
Own me and linger still
Teach me to do Thy will,
Thru the dark night, let me walk in Thy sight,
Honest and truly, Lord.
3 Honest and truly, Lord,
Tho I am weak at heart,
Let not Thy Spirit, Lord,
Ever from me depart,
This is my endless pray'r,
Help me my cross to bear,
Keep me Thine own till at last I reach home,
Honest and truly, Lord.