1 Hark! the call of Christ, the King,
Who will help the sheaves to bring?
For the harvest time is here, and the laborers few,
O’er the hills the golden sun,
Soon will tell the day is done,
Hasten now His blessed will to do.
Hark! the Master’s voice is calling you,
Enter now His blessed service so true;
Do not wait another day, but His gentle call obey,
For the Master now hath need of you.
2 In the harvest-field of life,
Oft the tempter’s pow’r is rife,
Men are needed who will stand for the truth and right.
Bravely then we’ll forward go,
and with hearts with love aglow,
Shed abroad the gospel’s glorious light. [Chorus]
3 When at last at set of sun,
We shall gather, one by one,
With our sheaves all garnered in, and the long race run.
All the tears and trials past,
O what joy we’ll know at last,
When we hear the Master say, “well done.” [Chorus]