1 Let my heart be pure from sin,
Filled with the love of Jesus;
Help me, Lord, Thy grace to win,
Filled with the love of Jesus;
All Thou bid’st me I would do,
While Thy loving life I view;
Faithful be my heart, and true,
Filled with the love of Jesus.
2 To my lips Thy truth impart,
Filled with the love of Jesus;
Be my wayward, restless heart
Filled with the love of Jesus;
All I do, or think, or say,
All my life from day to day,
All be Thine, O Lord, I pray,
Filled with the love of Jesus.
3 O what joy my soul hath known,
Filled with the love of Jesus;
Trusting still Thy grace alone,
Filled with the love of Jesus
Come, ye souls in bondage sore,
Come and here His grace implore;
Ye shall taste, and thirst no more,
Filled with the love of Jesus.