1 We have come rejoicing in the Father’s love,
For we know our Father’s eye keeps watch above,
And His hand is pouring blessing on our way,
Showing mercy to His children day by day.
Blessed stars of promise cheer the darkest night;
We will trust Him in the darkness and the light;
We are holding fast His word ‘mid all alarms;
We are resting on the everlasting arms.
O we’ll trust Him in the darkness and the light,
His the golden morning and the starry night,
His the shining hilltop and the dusky vale,
And we know His love will never fail.
2 We have come rejoicing in the Father’s love,
For the Son of God now pleads for us above,
If in Jesus we are meeting joy and pain,
Added graces from life’s changes we will gain.
We will trust Him in the sunshine and the storm;
Ev’ry wind that blows His pleasure shall perform;
We will trust Him, for the burdened heart He knows,
And for ev’ry thorn He gives a fadeless rose. [Refrain]