1 God’s little child, what troubles thee,
Children may to their Father flee;
He will uphold them by His hand;
None can His might and grace withstand.
The Lord be praised.
2 Raiment and food and counsel tried
God for His children will provide;
They shall not starve, nor homeless roam,
Children may claim their Father’s home.
The Lord be praised.
3 Singing the birds t'ward heaven soar,
Neither they reap, nor lay in store,
Yet, where the hoarder dies from need
Gathers the little bird a seed.
The Lord be praised.
4 Clad are the flowers in raiment fair,
Fairest to see on deserts bare;
Neither they spin, nor weave, nor sew
Glory like theirs no king can show.
The Lord be praised.
5 Flowers that bloom at break of dawn
Wither and die when day is gone;
How can they with the child compare
That shall the Father’s glory share.
The Lord be praised.
6 God’s little child, do then fore’er
Cast on the Lord thy ev'ry care,
Trust in His love, His grace and might,
Then shall His peace thy soul delight.
The Lord be praised.
7 Raiment and food, your daily bread
He will provide as He has said,
And when His sun for thee goes down
He will thy soul with glory crown.
The Lord be praised.