1 WHERE'ER I go, whate'er my task,
The counsel of my God I ask,
Who ruleth all things right;
Unless He give both thought and deed,
The utmost pains can ne'er succeed,
And vain must be man's might.
2 For what can all my toil avail?
My care, my watching,--all must fail,
Unless my God is there;
Then let Him order all for me
As in His will He shall decree,
On God I cast my care.
3 For naught can come, as naught has been,
But what my Father has forseen,
And what shall work my good;
Whate'er He gives me I will take,
Whate'er He chooses I will make
My choice with thankful mood.
4 I lean upon His mighty arm,
Which shieldeth me from every harm
And all calamity;
If in His precepts I shall live,
Whate'er is useful He will give;
Nothing can injure me.
5 But only may He of His grace
The record of my guilt efface,
And wipe out all my debt;
Though I have sinned He will not straight
Pronounce His judgment, He will wait,
Have patience with me yet.
6 I travel to a distant land
To serve the post wherein I stand,
Which He hath bid me fill;
And He will bless me with His light,
That I may serve His world aright,
And make me know His will.
7 And though through desert wilds I fare,
Yet Jesus Christ is with me there,
The Lord Himself is near;
In all my dangers He will come,
And He who kept me safe at home,
Can keep me safely here.
8 Yes, He will speed me on my way,
And point me where to go and stay,
And help me still and lead;
Let me in health and safety live,
And time and win and weather give,
And whatsoe'er I need.
9 His holy angel being near,
My enemies I need not fear,
For He protects me well;
I owe it to my faithful Guide,
Who never yet hath left my side,
That I in peace may dwell.
10 When late at night my rest I take,
When early in the morn I wake,
Halting, or on my way,
In hours of weakness or in bonds,
When vexed with fears my heart desponds,
God's Word is e'er my stay.
11 Since then my course is traced by Him,
I will not fear that future dim,
But go to meet my doom,
Well knowing, naught awaits me there
Too hard for me through Him to bear;
All evil I o'ercome.
12 To Him myself I wholly give,
At His command I die or live,
I trust His love and power;
Whether to-morrow or to-day
His summons come, I will obey,
He knows the proper hour.
13 But if it please that love most kind,
And if this voice within my mind
Be whispering not in vain,
I yet shall praise my God ere long
In many a sweet and joyful song,
When in my home again.
14 To those I love will He be near,
With his consoling light appear,
Who is my Shield and theirs;
And He will grant beyond our thought
What they and I alike have sought
With tears and fervent prayers.
15 Then, O my soul, be ne'er afraid,
On Him who thee and all things made
With calm reliance rest;
Whate'er may come, where'er we go,
Our Father in the heavens must know,
In all things, what is best.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Where'er I go, whate'er my task |
Meter: | C. P. M. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1893 |
Topic: | The Christian Life: Trust in God |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. C. Winkworth, Tr. a.; German: In allen meinen Thaten - Dr. C. Flemming, 1633 |