1 How holy the Bible! How pure is the light
That streams from its pages divine!
’Tis a star that shines soft through the gloom of the night,
Of jewels a wonderful mine.
’Tis bread for the hungry, ’tis food for the poor,
A balm for the wounded and sad,
’Tis the gift of a Father—His likeness is there,
And the hearts of His children are glad.
2 ’Tis the voice of the Savior—how sweet, in the storm
It speaks to the sinner distressed;
The tempest is hushed, o’er the sea comes a calm—
The troubled and weary find rest.
O teach me, blest Jesus, to seek for Thy face,
To me let Thy welcome be given;
Now speak to my heart some kind message of grace,
And words that shall guide me to Heaven.