1 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible!
God’s light upon our way;
Soft, shining over our darkness,
With beams of heav’nly day;
’Mid clouds of care and sorrow,
And storms of grief and pain,
Its promises are radiant
When earthly hope is vain.
We thank Thee for the Bible,
O Father good and kind!
Help us, O Holy Spirit,
Its deepest truth to find!
2 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible,
Our only certain guide
Amid earth’s tangled footpaths,
With snares on every side;
Its leadings may we follow
Along the upward way,
And never in our blindness,
From its blest precepts stray. [Refrain]
3 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible!
O mine of wealth untold!
More precious and enduring
Than earthly crowns of gold;
Its riches are unbounded,
And all who seek may find
Bright gems of heav’nly luster,
Enough for all mankind. [Refrain]