1 Go, proclaim it to the people,
Let the glorious tidings fly!
From the grave our Lord has risen,
Nevermore shall Jesus die!
We received the joyful message,
Borne upon the morning air;
Tell, O tell it to the people,
Let them all the gladness share.
Ring, ring the bells!
Ring, O ring the bells!
Go, proclaim the joyful tidings,
Christ, the Lord, is surely risen;
Ring, O ring the bells!
Ring, O ring the bells!
2 Go, proclaim it to the people,
Christ has conquered every foe,
Burst the bars of death asunder,
He defeat shall never know;
Sin with all its shame is hiding,
Death receives a fatal blow,
That He is the promised Savior,
All the world shall quickly know. [Refrain]
3 Lo! a light has burst upon us,
See the darkness flee away;
In the brightness of His rising,
Cometh now the promised day;
Yes, the glorious sun appeareth,
Hope and joy for Israel;
Wake the nations at His rising,
Go ye forth the news to tell. [Refrain]