1. At the bar of God you will have to stand,
When the books are opened by the Savior’s hand;
Then for every thought and each word you say,
You will have to answer, on the judgment day.
On the judgment day, dreadful judgment day,
We shall meet our Savior on the judgment day;
Then what will you do? Oh, what will you say
When you stand before Him on the judgment day?
2. There you’ll meet each friend, there you’ll meet each foe,
Will they bring you pleasure? Will they cause you woe?
For the way you act, while on earth you stay,
Will condemn or save you on the judgment day. [Refrain]
3. Every act of life will be there made known,
When we see our Savior on the judgment throne;
Many deeds that here we would hide away
Will be heard by millions, on the judgment day. [Refrain]
4. Every hour we spend in the Master’s cause
Will be weighed by mercy ’gainst His broken laws;
Every song we sing, every prayer we pray,
Will be waiting for us on the judgment day. [Refrain]
5. Let us then live close to the bleeding side
Of that precious Savior, who for us hath died;
For if we love Him and His voice obey,
Joyfully we’ll meet Him, on the judgment day. [Refrain]