1 There are treasures for children in Heaven above,
For the children who trust in their Lord;
They shall dwell in the light of His favor and love,
They shall praise Him with joyous accord.
There are treasures in Heav’n, there are treasures in Heav’n,
There are treasures for children in Heav’n;
In the mansions so bright, where the Lord is the light,
Shall the treasures to children be giv’n.
2 They shall drink of the river that flows from the throne,
They shall feast with the ransomed and blest;
They shall tell of His glory who calls them His own
In that beautiful country of rest. [Refrain]
3 They shall join in the anthems of glory and praise,
They shall sing with the angels so fair;
And no sorrow or sighing shall hush their sweet lays,
When they meet their Redeemer up there. [Refrain]