1 Though thunders roll and darkened be the sky,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Though joys may fade and prospects droop and die,
I’ll trust in Thee!
No light may shine upon life’s rugged way,
Sufficient is Thy grace from day to day.
2 I’m not outside Thy providential care,
I’ll trust in Thee!
I’ll walk by faith Thy chosen cross to bear,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Thy will and wish I know are for the best,
This gives to me abundant peace and rest.
3 Thy word is sure, Thy promise never fails,
I’ll trust in Thee!
A hiding-place Thou art when Hell assails,
I’ll trust in Thee!
I conquer all while hiding ’neath Thy wing,
And in the storm sweet songs of triumph sing.
4 I’m pressing on towards my home in Heav’n,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Where crowns of life to faithful ones are giv’n,
I’ll trust in Thee!
This hope is mine, through Jesus crucified,
And all through grace I shall be glorified.