1 Ye shall shine as the stars in the fadeless forever,
Who turn unto Jesus the perishing here,
Who so kindly are leading the lambs to the Giver,
Where floweth the water so cooling and clear.
Then prayerfully, carefully, go to your labors,
And deal with them wisely, the souls of your care,
And never forget, though lofty or lowly,
How costly a gem is the spirit they bear.
2 There are souls that look yearningly into your faces;
They’re catching the beams of the heavenly light;
They are turning, but slowly, from sin’s desert places,
Into the beautiful pathway of right.
Oh, better by far than all worldly bestowment,
The crown, with its stars, that your labor shall win;
Oh turn to the right the souls of the children;
And stoop down to gather the poorest one in.
3 Old Time, with its guerdon of honor and treasure,
So soon will be lost in the measureless sea;
But yonder a crown that is starred with the glory
Of souls for thy hire, will be waiting for thee.
Then turn not thy hand from the work that’s before thee,
Nor suffer thy heart to grow careless and cold;
For the seed you are sowing with patience and labor
Ere long will be waving in harvests of gold.
4 Then work with a will, for the ages are being
Condemned in a cycle of measureless years;
The tread of the mighty One goeth before thee,
Already the dawn of His brightness appears;
Not long shall it be till the Master shall call thee,
Not long till the time of thy mission is o’er;
Then work while the day lasts, and ere the night shadow
Shall gather its gloom, and ye labor no more.