1 We are pressing, onward pressing,
In the straight and narrow way,
For it leadeth to the kingdom,
To the land of endless day.
And we follow, gladly follow,
Counting neither gain nor loss,
In the footsteps of our Savior,
In the shadow of the cross.
2 While it falleth on our pathway,
It will lead our steps aright;
From the pitfalls that beset us,
From the darkness to the light.
Of our holy faith the token,
And the sign which seals our vow,
’Tis the symbol of our warfare
And we gladly follow now.
3 We are nearing, we are nearing
Heaven, our eternal home;
From those mansions of the blessed,
We shall never wish to roam.
With the Savior we have followed,
We the crown of life shall wear,
In His presence dwell forever,
And the cross no longer bear.