Charles Edward Pollock

Short Name: Charles Edward Pollock
Full Name: Pollock, Charles Edward, 1853-1928
Birth Year: 1853
Death Year: 1928

Charles Edward Pollock USA 1853-1928. Born at Newcastle, PA, he moved to Jefferson City, MO, when age 17. He was a cane maker for C W Allen. He also worked 20 years for the MO Pacific Railroad, as a depot clerk and later as Assistant Roadmaster. He was a musician and prolific songwriter, composing 5000+ songs, mostly used in Sunday school settings and church settings. He took little remuneration for his compositions, preferring they be freely used. He produced three songbooks: “Praises”, “Beauty of praise”, and “Waves of melody”. In 1886 he married Martha (Mattie) Jane Harris, and they had three children: Robert, Edward, and a daughter. He died in Merriam, KS.

John Perry

Pollock, Charles Edward. (Jefferson City, Missouri, 1853-1924). Records of Jefferson City indicate the following:

1897 clerk at depot; residence at 106 Broadway (with Mildred Pollock)
1904-1905 cane maker for C. W. Allen
1908-1909 musician; residence at 106 Broadway (with wife Matty)
1912-1913 residence at St. Louis Road, east city limits

--Wilmer Swope, DNAH Archives

Note: not to be confused with Charles Edward Pollock (c.1871-1924).

Texts by Charles Edward Pollock (173)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A poor lost sinner once was ICharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
A wonderful fountain was opened for sinCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Above all the roar of the citiesCharles E. Pollock (Adapter)English3
Are you weary of your sin? Christ is a merciful SaviorC. E. P. (Author)English2
As a child of God, do you seek to winCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
As I travel life's dark roadCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
At the feet of Jesus, Penitent I kneelCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English5
At the last, when the book shall be openedCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
At your heart's door Christ is knockingCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Banished every thought of sadnessCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Beautiful home on high Up in the bright blue skyCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Beautiful hands at the gateway tonightCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English13
Behold a stranger at the door!Chas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
Beyond the bright stars, in the beautiful blueChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English3
Beyond the narrow bounds of timeCharles E. Pollock (Author)English2
Beyond the narrow streamCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Beyond this sad and sinful lifeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English4
By faith I look to Calvary's crossCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
By the prophet 'tis recorded that the solitary placeChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chrous))English1
Children, children, praise the LordC. E. P. (Author)English3
Children, give your hearts to JesusC. E. P. (Author)English5
Children, seek the blessed SaviorChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Christ died to save poor sinners lostC. E. P. (Author)English2
Christian, courage, don't grow wearyCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Closer, dear Lord, to Thee, Closer to Thee (Pollock)C. E. P. (Author)English2
Come to the Savior, no longer delayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Come, wanderer, come! thy Savior callsChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
Come, ye wanderers, now forsakenCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English5
Coming back from the paths of sin and follyCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Cross the line today, sinnerCharles Edward Pollock (Author)4
Dear Lord Jesus, hear my prayer, watch over me with tender careCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Don't go where you cannot take JesusCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Don't you hear the Savior knocking at the door?C. E. P. (Author)English2
Enlist in Christ's army, and do it todayCharles Edward Pollock (Adapter)English2
Farewell, sweet child, farewellC. E. P. (Author)English3
Father, Thou hast taught usChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Flee from the wrath to come!, flee sinner while you mayChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
For pain or for pleasure, for weal or for woeChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
From my loving heavenly FatherCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
From the dark and dismal tombC. E. P. (Author)English4
Get your ticket and be readyChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Give your hearts to Jesus, children, now while you are youngC. E. P. (Author)English2
Gladly sing, gladly sing Praises to our heavenly KingCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
God sent His Son down from on highC. E. P. (Author)English2
God so loved the world of poor sinners lostCharles Edward Pollock (Author)3
Happy little birdie, singing in the treeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English1
Hear the call of the Master to one and to allCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
How sweet to trust in Jesus, God's well beloved SonCharles Edward Pollock (Author)4
How sweet will be the welcome homeC. E. P. (Author)English18
I am coming, blessed SaviorChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
I am coming Lord, I have heard Thy voiceChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English3
I am going home to the better landCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
I am sailing o'er life's oceanCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
I am so happy all day longCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
I am weary, and am longingCharles Edward Pollock (Author)3
I am weary as I journeyC. E. P. (Author)English2
I had wandered afar from the ShepherdCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English1
I had wandered afar on sin's mountainC. E. P. (Author)English2
I have a home, a happy home, Above the starry skyC. E. P. (Author)English2
I love the sweet story of JesusCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
I love to go to the Sunday schoolC. E. P. (Author)English5
I love to tell others of JesusC. E. P. (Author)2
I wake this morn and all my lifeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
I want to know more about Jesus, Who left hisCharles Edward Pollock (Author)3
I will build my hopes on the solid RockCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
If I labor to save poor lost soulsC. E. P. (Author)2
"If ye love me, keep my commandments", This is the Christian's testCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
I'll tell the sweet story of JesusCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
I'm a pilgrim, and I journey, seekingCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
I'm filled with wondrous joy todayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English7
I'm going along, resisting the wrong (Pollock)Charles Edward Pollock (Author)1
I'm going at once to the SaviorCharles Edward Pollock (Arranger)English2
I'm hidden in Thee, O precious ChristC. E. P. (Author)English2
I'm trusting in the promises of Christ my LordCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
I'm weary of my burdenChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
In from the highways and byways of sinCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English6
In heavenly rest abidingChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
In the glorious cause of the MasterCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
In the Master's vineyard, Go and work todayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
In the vineyard of the Master There is work for all to doChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
I've a Father dear whom I longCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
I've found a Friend, a precious Friend (Pollock)Charles Edward Pollock (Author)2
I've found at last abiding peaceCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Jesus, I love Thy name, 'Tis sweet to meCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Jesus knocks; He calls to theeC. E. P. (Arranger)English1
Jesus loves the children dear, Loves to have them always nearCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English14
Jesus, precious Savior, hear me when I prayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
Jesus stands knocking at thy heart's doorCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Jesus, tender Shepherd, All my wants supplyCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Jesus, with tender compassion and loveChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Kleine Kinder, preist den HerrnCharles Edward Pollock (Author)German3
Let the tidings roll, Of a dying Savior's loveChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Let us work aheadCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Life's pilgrimage, how shortCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
List to the call of the SaviorCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
List to the still, small voiceC. E. P. (Author)English3
Little children can do somethingC. E. Pollock (Author)English7
Little children, come to Jesus (Pollock)Charles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Little children, praise the LordC. E. P. (Author)English16
Look to Jesus, weary one, full of anguish, full of griefCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English1
Lord, send Thy Spirit down, Like a refreshing showerCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English5
Many souls are in the tempestC. E. P. (Arranger)English1
My best friend is Jesus, I cling to his sideCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Neglect not thy salvation, O hear the warning cryChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
No more a slave in Satan's powerChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
Now has come the hour of parting, We must to our homes repairChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English3
Now is the time, O unsaved soulC. E. P. (Author)English2
O let not the worldCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
O prodigal child, wheresoever thou dost roamCharles E. Pollock (Author)English2
O what shall it profit my brotherCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Oft when I gaze at the stars in the nightChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
O sinner, hear the Savior's voice, in tender tones He's pleadingChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
On the bosom of Jesus my Savior!Chas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Only a word for the MasterCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English12
Our blessed Lord to heaven is goneCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
Out in the mountains, far awayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Out on life's ocean many soulsCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Out on sin's mountain the lost sheep are strayingC. E. P. (Author)English2
Out upon life's wild, rough seaChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Praise Him, angels in the heightC. E. P. (Author)English3
Precious are the promises of Christ, my SaviorCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Precious Jesus, O to love TheeC. E. P. (Arranger)English1
Precious Savior lead and guide meCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
Put your trust in the Savior, my brotherChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Send out the Life-Boat across sin's rough waveC. E. P. (Author)English2
Since I found the Lord precious to my soulC. E. P. (Author)English2
Since I've been redeemed by the precious SaviorCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Sinner, give Jesus your heart todayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Soldiers of the cross, firmly take a standCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Sow thou thy seed in the morningChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
Standing at the line, sinner, standing at the lineCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Tell me of Jesus, the Savior, Who left his bright home on highCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Tell the sweet story of Jesus, the Savior of sinful menChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
Thank the great CreatorCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
The Bible is the Christian's guideCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English4
The blood that Jesus shed for me, When groaning, dying on the treeChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
The judgment day is coming, surely coming by and byCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
The Savior calls, list to his voiceCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
The Savior died for sinners lostCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
The Sunday school army has gathered once moreC. E. P. (Author (Chorus))English1
There are lands far away over the sea, Where in darkness are souls seeking lightChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (chorus))English1
There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veinsChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English2
There is a land, a sunny climeC. E. P. (Author)English9
There is a pardon full and freeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
There is joy among the angels who surround the throne aboveChas. Edw. Pollock (Author (Chorus))English1
There will be mansions in heavenCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
There will be weeping and wailingCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
There comes a time, a happy timeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English9
There's a beautiful far away countryCharles Edward Pollock (Author)3
There's a beautiful land of sunshineCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
There's a beautiful place called heavenCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
There's a dark and a cloudy side of lifeCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
There's a place of sweet rest called heavenC. E. P. (Author)English3
There's no place to me like the Sunday-schoolC. E. P. (Author)English4
There's peace within my soul todayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
Thousands are lost in the desert of sinChas. Edw. Pollock (Author)English2
'Tis but a veil that hangs betweenCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
Up in Heaven we shallCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
Waves of sweet melody now do I hearCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
We are little sowers, sowing for the LordCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
We are sailing o'er life's seaCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
We are traveling on, and we're nearer every dayCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
We shall meet upon the shoreC. E. P. (Author)English2
We've a little Christian bandCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
When a soul returnsCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
When I think of the every day blessingsCharles Edward Pollock (Author)3
When Jesus shall come again by and byC. E. P. (Author)English4
When my life work is ended, my armor laid downCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English3
When the saints shall stand 'round the great white throneCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
When the veil from our eyes shall be lifted (Pollock)Charles Edward Pollock (Author)English2
When we reach the golden city, Over Jordan's rolling tideCharles E. Pollack (Author)English3
Ye Christians, look uponCharles Edward Pollock (Author)2
You long have been living away from your GodCharles Edward Pollock (Author)English9
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