1 Onward still, and upward,
Follow evermore
Where our mighty leader
Goes in love before;
"Looking unto Jesus,"
Reach a helping hand
To a struggling neighbor,
Helping him to stand.
Marching onward, upward,
Marching steadily, onward,
Jesus leads the way;
Marching onward, upward,
Onward unto glory,
To the perfect day.
2 Onward, ever onward,
Thro’ the pastures green,
Where the streams flow softly,
Under skies serene;
Or, if need be, upward,
O’er the rocky steep,
Trusting Him who guides us,
Strong to save and keep. [Refrain]
3 Upward, ever upward,
Toward the radiant glow,
Far above the valley,
Where the mist hangs low;
On, with songs of gladness,
Till the march shall end,
Where ten thousand thousand
Hallelujahs blend. [Refrain]