1 I am watching for the coming
Of my Savior and my king,
What a joyous happy meeting that will be!
I am waiting every day to
Hear the trumpet’s awful ring,
When the Son of Man shall come in majesty.
He is coming, He is coming,
He is coming soon to catch away His bride;
He is coming, He is coming,
O how happy will my place be at His side!
2 When the fig trees’ leaf appears,
We know that summer draweth nigh,
From the bondage of the winter it is free;
As the lightning shineth forth
Across the dark and stormy sky,
So the coming of the Son of Man shall be. [Refrain]
3 I am ready now to meet Him,
For my lamp is burning bright,
From all earthly ties and bondage I am free;
He may be here ere the morning,
Yes, perhaps before the night,
Then forever with the Savior I shall be. [Refrain]