1. LORD Jesus, Thou art truly good!
Thou spreadst for our salvation
Thy body and Thy blood as food,
And giv'st us invitation;
As weary souls, with sin oppressed,
We come to Thee for needed rest,
For counsel and forgiveness.
2. Although Thou didst ascend to heav'n,
Where angels bow before Thee,
And now to mortals 'tis not giv'n
By sight here to adore Thee,
Until begins Thy judgment grand,
When we before Thy throne shall stand,
And cheerfully behold Thee;--
3. Yet art Thou ever with us, Lord,
And with Thy congregation,
And not confined--so says Thy Word--
To any habitation.
Firm as a rock Thy Word still stands,
Unshaken by the en'mies' hands,
Though they be e'er so cunning.
4. Thou say'st: "This is my body; eat,
And orally receive me!
This is my blood; drink all of it,
And henceforth never leave me!"
What Thou hast spoken, that must be,
Thou art almighty, and with Thee
Imposible is nothing.
5. Although my reason cannot see
How in so many places
Thy body at a time may be,
Yet faith Thy Word embraces.
How it can be, I leave to Thee,
Thy Word alone sufficeth me,
For Thou wilt that we trust it.
6. Lord, I believe in simple trust,
Strength in my weakness give me,
For I am naught but sinful dust,
Nor of Thy Word bereave me!
Thy Baptism, Supper, and Thy Word,
My consolation are, O Lord,
For they contain my treasure.
7. Grant that we worthily receive
Thy Supper, Lord, our Saviour,
That for our sins we truly grieve,
And prove by our behaviour
That we obtained Thy saving grace,
And trust in it throughout our days;
Then will our life be godly.
8. For Thy consoling Supper, Lord,
Be praised throughout all ages!
Preserve it, for with one accord
The world against it rages.
Grant that Thy body and Thy blood
May be my comfort and sweet food
In my last moments. Amen!