[Shaʻare shirah] = Gates of Song : Music for Shabbat | Judaism | 1987 |
[Shaʻare shirah] = Gates of Song : Music for Shabbat | Jewish Congregations | 1987 |
Collection of Zionist and National Songs: the best and most popular songs of famous poets in Hebrew, English, and Yiddish (8th ed.) | Judaism | 1909 |
Evening Service for the Sabbath | Jewish Congregations | 1935 |
Friday Evening Melodies | Judaism | 1957 |
Friday Evening Melodies | Jewish Congregations | 1957 |
Gesänge für Israelit. Reform Gemeinden: aus verschiedenen Liedersammlungen zusammengetragen (Neue vermehrte Aufl.) | Jewish Congregations | 1867 |
Hymns and Anthems adapted for Jewish Worship | Jewish Congregations | 1887 |
Hymns and Anthems adapted for Jewish Worship | Judaism | 1887 |
Hymns of Faith, with Music | Jewish Congregations | 1945 |
Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations | Judaism | 1867 |
Kol Zimroh, a Hymn Book | Judaism | 1885 |
Kol Zimroh, a Hymn Book | Jewish Congregations | 1885 |
New Jewish Hymnal for Religious Schools and Junior Congregations. 8th ed. | Jewish Congregations | 1917 |
New Jewish Hymnal for Religious Schools and Junior Congregations. 8th ed. | Judaism | 1917 |
Sabbath Eve Services and Hymns | Jewish Congregations | 1944 |
Songs for the Divine Service of Israelites | Jewish Congregations | 1876 |
Songs of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps | Jewish Congregations | 1970 |
The Sabbath School Hymnal | Jewish Congregations | 1904 |
The Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of songs, services and responses for Jewish Sabbath schools, and homes 4th rev. ed. | Judaism | 1897 |
The Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of songs, services and responses for Jewish Sabbath schools, and homes 4th rev. ed. | Jewish Congregations | 1897 |
The Service Hymnal with an introductory service | Judaism | 1904 |
The Service Hymnal with an introductory service | Jewish Congregations | 1904 |
The Temple Emanu-El Hymn Book for Schools (Part I) | Jewish Congregations | 1875 |
The Temple Emanu-El Hymn Book for Schools (Part I) | Judaism | 1875 |
Thirty Hymns and Songs: with organ or piano accompaniment for congregation - school - home. Op. 51 | Judaism | 1947 |
Union Hymnal | Judaism | 1897 |
Union Hymnal | Jewish Congregations | 1897 |
Union Hymnal for Jewish Worship | Jewish Congregations | 1914 |
Union Hymnal for Jewish Worship | Judaism | 1914 |
Union Hymnal, Songs and Prayers for Jewish Worship. 3rd ed. Revised and enlarged. | Jewish Congregations | 1948 |
Union Hymnal, Songs and Prayers for Jewish Worship. 3rd ed. Revised and enlarged. | Judaism | 1948 |
Union Songster : Songs and Prayers for Jewish Youth (שִׁיר וּתְפִלָּה) | Jewish Congregations | 1960 |
Union Songster : Songs and Prayers for Jewish Youth (שִׁיר וּתְפִלָּה) | Judaism | 1960 |