When researching older versions of a hymn, such as Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy, like I am right now, it is very cumbersome to endlessly scroll to the right in the Page Scans tool at the bottom of the hymn page. I would really love two things here.
1) The ability to see the page scans in a paginated view (10 or 20 or 50 in a grid view on a page, with next and previous buttons)
2) The ability to limit the page scans viewed to a particular time period, such as 1800-1840.
With this new view of your existing data, I could complete my research more quickly without putting as much load on your server by loading page images that I don't want right now.
Feature suggestion: Archaic Radio Button
Currently, your site has a checkbox for “Non-Archaic”, which limits the view to only hymns marked as being in modern language. The reverse of this button would be more useful to those of us doing historical hymn research.
Since “Non-Archaic” and “NOT Non-Archaic” are mutually exclusive, the better control would be a radio button. If neither are selected, then there is is no restriction, but this allows filtering either way. I would suggest that the options be Non-Archaic and Archaic.
Page scan sorting
An alternate option to what is expressed above. I also specialize in historical research and often skim through page scans in reverse, oldest first. For some hymns, this is cumbersome when using the main gallery display. An option to have the system display page scans in reverse order could be useful.
Of course, the other existing option is to list all instances of a hymn, then sort by publication date, ascending, and click through the instances with images, but this can be cumbersome as well.