Why two authorities?

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I don't understand why, when I search for https://hymnary.org/all?qu=you+will+notice+we+say+brother there are two separate authorities for  https://hymnary.org/text/you_will_notice_we_say_brother_and_sist  and  https://hymnary.org/text/im_so_glad_im_a_part_of_the_family_of come up as separate text authorites; also, why the first has 6 matching instances and 6 total instances, but the second has only 3 matching instances but <em>10</em> total instances. The second one treats the refrain as the first line, but both of them are often done with the refrain opener. And only the second one has a CCLI number. Life would be simpler if the software allowed hidden auto-redirects like Wikipedia uses.


There are two authorities because some hymnals only have the refrain, and some hymnals also have the verses. Sometimes people are only looking for the refrain. They have different first lines. The reason they both came up in your search is because there were verses mixed in with the refrain only record. I fixed that. The reason the matching instances count did not match is likely because some first lines under the refrain were “You will notice we say…” so these did not match.