Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Resurrection Sunday | | #128 | The day of resurrection! |
Rosh Hashana | | #290a | Glory to God, and praise, and love |
Sacred Heart | | #196 | O Christ, your heart, compassionate |
Thanksgiving | | #318 | Behold the lilies of the field |
Thanksgiving | | #363a | When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed |
Thanksgiving | | #363b | All people that on Earth do dwell |
Trinity Sunday | | #184b | Holy God, we praise thy name! |
Trinity Sunday | | #184a | Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! |
Trinity Sunday | | #186 | My God, my Father, blissful name! |
Trinity Sunday | | #187 | O Lord, our God, in all the world |
Trinity Sunday | | #188b | Many and great, O God, are thy works |
Trinity Sunday | | #188 | When at creation's dawn there was no sound |
Trinity Sunday | | #189 | Ere God had built the mountains |
Trinity Sunday | | #190 | My hope is built on nothing less |
Trinity Sunday | [Great Commission] | #185 | The Spirit sends us forth to serve |
Triumph of the Cross | | #289 | Come, Christians, follow, where our Captain trod |
Vistation of Mary with Elizabeth | | #183 | Bearer of the world's salvation |
Yom Kippur | | #299 | Not all the blood of beasts |
Yom Kippur | | #299b | Arise, my soul, arise |