Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Resurrection | | #165 | Praise our God with shouts of joy |
Resurrection | | #166 | Jesus, what a friend for sinners |
Resurrection | | #169 | Shall we gather at the river |
Resurrection | | #173 | How firm a foundation, ye saints |
Resurrection | | #174 | Blest be the tie that binds |
Resurrection | | #175b | Who is God's messenger |
Resurrection | | #175 | Why, when our thoughts could turn to thee |
Resurrection | | #176b | The Lord will come and not be slow |
Resurrection | | #176 | The Lord will come! the Earth shall quake |
Resurrection | [Ascension] | #168 | Jerusalem the golden! |
Resurrection | [Ascension] | #170 | Wake, ye saints, the song of triumph |
Resurrection | [Ascension] | #171 | O Lord, you have ascended |
Resurrection | [Ascension] | #172 | Jehovah reigns! O Earth, rejoice |
Resurrection | [Good Shepherd Sunday] | #149 | Savior, like a shepherd, lead us |
Resurrection | [Good Shepherd Sunday] | #150c | The King of love my Shepherd is |
Resurrection | [Good Shepherd Sunday] | #150b | The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want |
Resurrection | [Good Shepherd Sunday] | #150a | My shepherd will supply my need |
Resurrection | [Good Shepherd Sunday] | #154 | None other Lamb, none other name |
Resurrection | Ascension | #167b | See, the conq'ror mounts in triumph |
Resurrection | Ascension | #167a | Let all the nations clap their hands |