Text Is Public Domain |
| | Cante al Señor toda la tierra | Cante al Señor toda la tierra | | | | Spanish | | | Irregular | Psalm 100 | | | Congregados para adorar Apertura del culto; Adoración y alabanza; Worship and Praise; Gozo; Joy; Opening Hymns | | BONDAD DE DIOS | | | | | | | 4 | 0 | 1429057 | 3 |
| | Psalm 100: Nosotros Somos Su Pueblo (We Are God's People) | Aclamen al Señor, oh tierra entera (Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth) | Nosotros somos su pueblo | | | English; Spanish | Jaime Cortez, b. 1963 | Nosotros somos su pueblo. We are God's ... | | Psalm 100:1-3 | | | People of God; Praise; Easter 4 Year C; People of God; Praise; Easter 4 Year C; People of God; Praise; Easter 4 Year C; Ordinary Time Common Psalm; Eleventh Ordinary Year A; Service Music for Mass: Liturgy of the Word Responsorial Psalm; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Responsorial Psalm | | [Nosotros somos su pueblo] | | | | | | 1 | 4 | 0 | 1533658 | 3 |
| | Come, ye that love the Savior's name | Come, ye that love the Savior's name | | | | | Mrs. Steele | Come, ye that love the Saviour's name, ... | | Psalm 100:1-4 | | | Christ Intercession and Reign; They shall Speak of the Glory | | |   | | | | | | 279 | 0 | 313693 | 2 |
| | Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty | Open now thy gates of beauty | | Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte | German | English | Catherine Winkworth; Benjamin Schmolck | Open now thy gates of beauty, Zion, let ... | | Psalm 100:4 | | | Adoration Opening of Service | | NEANDER |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 152 | 1 | 932624 | 2 |
| | Nun jauchzt dem Herren alle Welt | Nun jauchzt dem Herren alle Welt | | | | German | | Nun jauchzt dem Herren alle Welt, kommt ... | | Psalm 100 | Um 1650 | | Gesänge an Sonn- und Werk-Tagen; Sundays and Work Days | | |   | | | | | | 36 | 0 | 615691 | 2 |
| | Praise and Thanksgiving | Praise and thanksgiving let ev'ryone bring | | | | English | Marie J. Post; Edith Lowell Thomas | Praise and thanksgiving let ev'ryone ... | Irregular | Psalm 100:4 | Alsatian (st. 1) | | | | LOBET UND PREISET |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 24 | 0 | 19189 | 2 |
| | Enter into his gates | Enter into his gates with thanksgiving | | | | English | | | | Psalm 100:4 | | | Service Music Introit | | [Enter into his gates with thanksgiving] | | | | | 1 | | 22 | 0 | 1005298 | 2 |
| | Come, All Christians, Be Committed | Come, all Christians, be committed | | | | English | Eva B. Lloyd | Come, all Christians, be committed to ... | D | Psalm 100:4 | | | Challenge; Offertory Hymns and Responses; Christian Service; Stewardship Of Life; Stewardship Of Possessions | | BEACH SPRING | | | | | 1 | | 18 | 0 | 16932 | 2 |
| | Saved to Serve | Going forth at Christ's command | | | | English | El Nathan | | | Psalm 100:2 | | | Work, Works | | [Going forth at Christ's command] |  | | | | 1 | | 14 | 0 | 1203497 | 2 |
| | Christians, Lift Up Your Hearts | Christians, lift up your hearts | Christians, lift up your hearts | | | English | John E. Bowers | and Refrain: Christians, lift up your ... | Irregular | Psalm 100:3 | | | Church Anniversaries and Dedications; Hymns with Descants | | SALVE FESTA DIES | | | | | 1 | | 10 | 0 | 14163 | 2 |
| | Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down | Come, let us worship and bow down | | | | English | Dave Doherty | let us worship and bow down, Let us ... | Irregular | Psalm 100:3 | | | God the Father Adoration, Praise, Worship; Praise, Adoration, Worship, Exaltation of God; Praise, Adoration, Worship, Exaltation of Jesus | | WORSHIP AND BOW DOWN | | | | | 1 | | 10 | 0 | 20366 | 2 |
| | Make a joyful noise to JEHOVAH, all the earth | Make a joyful noise to JEHOVAH, all the earth | | | | | | | | Psalm 100 | | | Introductory | | |  | | | | | | 4 | 0 | 1201980 | 2 |
| | Gather Us Together | Gather your people | Lord, Jesus Christ, gather us together | | | English | Owen Alstott, b. 1947 | Lord, Jesus Christ, gather us ... | | Psalm 100 | | | Church; Church; Church; Gathering; Love of God for Us; Praise; Unity; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); Service Music for Mass Communion Song; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Communion Song; Morning Prayer Hymn; Rites of the Church Dedication of a Church; The Liturgical Year The Dedication of teh Lateran Basilica (November 9) | | [Gather your people] | | | | | | 1 | 4 | 0 | 1502447 | 2 |
| | He Is the Lord | Cry out with joy to the Lord, all you nations! | Sing to the Lord with shouts of joy | | | English | David Haas, b. 1957 | Sing to the Lord with shouts of joy, ... | | Psalm 100:1 | | | Joy; Praise; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional) | | [Cry out with joy to the Lord, all you nations!] | | | | | | | 4 | 0 | 1504096 | 2 |
| | Aclamemos al Señor | Entrad en su presencia con cantares | Aclamemos al Señor con alegría | | | Spanish | Mary Frances Reza | | | Psalm 100 | | | Cantos de Entrada | | [Entrad en su presencia con cantares] | | | | | | 1 | 4 | 0 | 1661647 | 2 |
| | A Psalm of Praise | Shout to Jehovah all the earth | | | | | | Shout to Jehovah all the earth. 2 With ... | | Psalm 100 | | | | | |   | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 727858 | 2 |
| | O Many People of All Lands | O many people of all lands | | | | English | Natty G. Barranda | O many people of all lands Now come to ... | | Psalm 100 | Filipino | | The Church Unity and Fellowship; God Grace of God; God Love of God; Responses to God Praise and Worship; Responses to God Thanksgivings; The Christian Life Aspiration and Hope; The Christian Life Discipleship, Service, and Mission; The Holy Spirit and The Church Unity and Fellowship | | MATERNIDAD | | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 965054 | 2 |
| | Let Us Come to Worship God | Lán tiόh kèng pài Chú Siōngtè (Let us come to worship God) | | Lán tiόh kèng pài Chú Siōngtè | Taiwanese | English; Taiwanese | I-to Loh, b. 1936 | Lán tiόh kèng pài Chú Siōngtè, ... | | Psalm 100 | | | Church Year Christ the King; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Disciples / Calling; Earth; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God Changelessness of; God as Shepherd; God as Creator; God as King; God's Triumph; God's Word; God's Faithfulness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Greatness; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; Grace; Gratitude; Hymns of Praise; Joy; Life Stages Generations; Mercy; Mission; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Witnessing; Processions; Rejoicing; Remembering; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Witness; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 12-18 (if ater Trinity Sunday); Year A, Reign of Christ, November 20-26; Year C, Thanksgiving Day, Canada, 2nd Monday in October; Year C, Thanksgiving Day, USA, 4th Thursday in November; Texts in Languages Other than English Taiwanese | | HA-A-O-HO-I-AN |  | | | 1 | | | 3 | 0 | 1045619 | 2 |
| | Psalm 100: We Are God's People | Let all the earth shout for joy | We are God's people | | | English | Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960 | We are God's people, the flock of the ... | | Psalm 100:1-5 | | | Good Shepherd; Joy; People of God; Praise; Easter 4 Year C; Ordinary Time Common Psalm; Eleventh Ordinary Year A; Service Music for Mass Responsorial Psalm; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Responsorial Psalm; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Communion Song; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Act of Thanksgiving; Morning Prayer Morning Psalms, Canticles | | [Let all the earth shout for joy] | | | | | | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1500353 | 2 |
| | Yo te sirvo | Yo te sirvo porque te amo | Vidas hechas pedazos | | | Spanish | William J. Gaither; Gloria Gaither; Sid D. Guillén; Felipe Blycker J. | Yo te sirvo porque te amo; tú me has ... | | Psalm 100 | | | Amor de Dios; Love Of God; Mayordomía; Stewardship; Salvación; Salvation; Servicio Cristiano; Christian Service | | SERVING | | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 1566399 | 2 |