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| | Oh, criaturas del Señor | Oh, criaturas del Señor | | | | Spanish | Francisco de Asís; José Míguez Bonino | Oh, criaturas del Señor, cantad con ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:23-36 | | | Adoración; Worship; Apertura del Culto; Opening of Worship; Creación; Creation; Trinidad; Trinity | | LASST UNS ERFREUEN | | | | | 1 | | 21 | 0 | 1545957 | 2 |
| | How Great Is Our God | The splendor of the King | How great is our God | | | English | Chris Tomlin; Jesse Reeves; Ed Cash | The splendor of the King, clothed in ... | Irregular | 1 Chronicles 16:31 | | | God the Father Adoration, Praise, Worship; Praise, Adoration, Worship, Exaltation of Jesus | | HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD | | | | | 1 | | 19 | 0 | 20364 | 2 |
| | Glorious Is the Name of Jesus | Glorious is the name of Jesus, praises to His name | | | | English | Dr. Robert J. Fryson | is the name of Jesus, praises to His ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:29 | | | Jesus Christ His Glory and Power; Jesus Christ His Name | | [Glorious is the name of Jesus] | | | | | | | 9 | 0 | 971186 | 2 |
| | All Glory Be to Thee, Most High | All glory be to thee, Most High | | | | English | Nicolaus Decius; Anonymous | All glory be to thee, Most High, to ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:35 | Gloria in Excelsis, 4th cent. | | Christ Lamb of God; Covenant of Grace; Foreordination; God Sovereignty of ; Holy Spirit Comforter; Salvation by Grace | | ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH |   | | | | 1 | | 5 | 1 | 9681 | 2 |
| | Joy to the World! The Lord is Come | Joy to the world! The Lord is come | | | | English | Isaac Watts | Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let ... | with repeat | 1 Chronicles 16:31 | | | Jesus Christ His Advent; Christ Kingdom of | | ANTIOCH |     | 222378 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1885 | 1 | 9864 | 1 |
| | O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing | O for a thousand tongues to sing | | | | English | Charles Wesley | | | 1 Chronicles 16:23-25 | | | Praise Jesus Christ | | BELMONT |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 1759 | 0 | 1882458 | 1 |
| | All People That on Earth do Dwell | All people that on earth do dwell | | | | English; French; Inuktitut; Moose Cree | William Kethe (1530?-1594?); Roger Chapal (1912-); Benjamin T. Arreak (1947-) | All people that on earth do dwell, sing ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 | Moose Cree trans. A Collection of Hymns and Psalms in the Language of the Cree Indians of North-West America, 1887, rev. 1946 | | Gathering of the Community; Gathering of the Community; Offertory; Praise of God; Psalm 100 | | OLD 100TH |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 733 | 0 | 1026463 | 1 |
| | This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made (Psalm 118) | This is the day the Lord hath made | | | | English | Isaac Watts | This is the day the Lord hath made; the ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:31 | | | Celebrating Time; The Church; Evening; Grace; Morning; Praise; Salvation | | NUN DANKET ALL' UND BRINGET EHR' |     | 149207 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 598 | 1 | 1170306 | 1 |
| | All Things Bright and Beautiful | Each little flower that opens | | | | English | Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818-1895 | | | 1 Chronicles 16:23-29 | | | Beauty; God the Creator; God's Love; Nature; Praise | | ROYAL OAK |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 350 | 0 | 1187264 | 1 |
| | Summer suns are glowing | Summer suns are glowing | | | | English | William Walsham How (1823-1897) | Summer suns are glowing over land and ... | D | 1 Chronicles 16:23 | | | The Living God Our Response to God - in times and seasons; Death and Bereavement; Light; Providence; Summer | | RUTH |   | | | | 1 | | 241 | 0 | 995392 | 1 |
| | Father, in Thy Mysterious Presence | Father, in thy mysterious presence kneeling | | | | English | Samuel Johnson, 1822-1882 | | | 1 Chronicles 16:28-31 | | | Change; Comfort; Confession; Future; God's Love; God the Sustainer; Humanity and Humanness; Mystery; Inner Peace; Revelation; Strength; Supplication; Trust | | STRENGTH AND STAY | | | | | 1 | | 125 | 0 | 1187462 | 1 |
| | Let all the people praise Him | Thank and praise Jehovah's name | | | | English | | | | 1 Chronicles 16:34 | | | Introductory to Worship | | ST. LOUIS |  | | | | | | 111 | 1 | 761582 | 1 |
| | I bind unto myself today | I bind unto myself today | | | | English | St. Patrick, 372-466; Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818-1895 | I bind unto myself today the strong ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:35 | St. Patrick's Breastplate, 5th-7th century Gaelic | | Trinity Sunday; Proper 18 Year C | | ST PATRICK |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 73 | 0 | 1319364 | 1 |
| | For the fruit of all creation | For the fruit of all creation | | | | English | Frederick Pratt Green (1903-2000) | For the fruits of all creation, thanks ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:12 | | | The Living God Our Response to God - in times and seasons; Our Response to God in times and seasons; Harvest; Holy Spirit gifts of; Love for others; Work and Leisure | | EAST ACKLAM |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 72 | 0 | 995464 | 1 |
| | Give Thanks | Give thanks with a grateful heart | | | | English | Henry Smith, 1952- | thanks with a grateful heart, give ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:8 | | | | | [Give thanks with a grateful heart] | | | | | 1 | | 42 | 0 | 957999 | 1 |
| | Earth and All Stars | Earth and all stars, Loud rushing planets | Sing to the Lord a new song | | | English | Herbert Brokering, 1926 - | | | 1 Chronicles 16:23-29 | | | City; Creation; Creativity; Earth; Gathering; Music; Nature; Praise; Truth; Worship | | EARTH AND ALL STARS | | | | | 1 | | 33 | 0 | 1187313 | 1 |
| | You shall go out with joy | You shall go out with joy | | | | English | Steffi Geiser Rubin, 1950- | shall go out with joy and be led forth ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:29-33 | | | Celebration of Faith; Creation; Joy; Mission/Sending; Music; Nature; Responses | | TREES OF THE FIELD | | | | | 1 | | 32 | 0 | 1364474 | 1 |
| | O Worship the Lord | O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness | | | | English | | | | 1 Chronicles 16:29 | Adapted from Psalm 96:9 | | Call to Worship; Gathering; Invocation; Prayer Responses; Service; Worship | | PORTER | | | | | 1 | | 13 | 0 | 1187261 | 1 |
| | Sing to God new songs of worship | Sing to God new songs of worship | | | | English | Michael Baughen (b. 1930) | Sing to God new songs of worship-- all ... | D | 1 Chronicles 16:23-36 | | | Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; Our Response to God in the worship of God's house; Church Worship; Music and Song | | ODE TO JOY |   | | | | 1 | | 11 | 0 | 994715 | 1 |
| | God Is a Good God | God is a good God | | | | English | Keith Hunter | is a good God. He's a great God. He ... | | 1 Chronicles 16:34 | | | God Love and Mercy; God Worthiness | | [God is a good God] | | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 971005 | 1 |