[O sinner, where art thou?]

[O sinner, where art thou?]

Composer: Daniel Otis Teasley
Published in 4 hymnals

Composer: Daniel Otis Teasley

Daniel Otis Teasley, 1876-1942 Died: November 15, 1942, Santa Ana, California. Teasley en­tered the min­is­try of the Church of God de­nom­in­a­tion in 1896, and pas­tored in New York. Some­time af­ter 1910, he be­came Gen­er­al Man­a­ger of the Gos­pel Trump­et Com­pa­ny, where he worked un­til 1917. He then worked as gen­er­al man­ag­er of War­ner Press (1917-18). His works in­clude: Historical Ge­o­graphy of the Bi­ble, 1898, 1917 The Ho­ly Spir­it and Other Spir­its, 1904 How to Con­duct a Sun­day School, 1911 The Go­spel Guide-book, 1918 The Bi­ble and How to In­ter­pret It, 1918 Lyrics-- At the Cross of Je­sus Bow­ing Back to the Bless­èd Old Bi­ble… Go to person page >

Tune Information

Title: [O sinner, where art thou?]
Composer: Daniel Otis Teasley
Incipit: 53232 11117 65567
Key: A Major
Copyright: Public Domain


Where Art Thou?

O sinner, where art thou?
Thy soul, designed for light,
Is like the raging ocean,
Or storms of sullen night.

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Instances (1 - 2 of 2)
Page Scan

Evening Light Songs #392


Timeless Truths #834

Include 2 pre-1979 instances
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