Tune Title: MUNGU NI MWEMAFirst Line: Know that God is good (Mungu ni mwema)Composer: Edo BumbaMeter: F MajorDate: 2013Source: Democratic Republic of Congo
Tune Title: [Know that God is good (Mungu ni mwema)]First Line: Know that God is good (Mungu ni mwema)Composer: Anonymous; John L. Bell, b.1949Key: F MajorDate: 2012
Tune Title: MUNGU NI MWEMAFirst Line: Mungu ni mwena (Know that God is good) (C'est vrai: Dieu est bon!) (Katonda mulungi)Composer: Anonymous; John L. Bell, b. 1949Key: F MajorDate: 2013
Tune Title: [Know that God is good]First Line: Know that God is good (Mungu ni mwema)Composer: Anonymous; John L. Bell, b. 1949Key: F Major or modalDate: 2011