Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.00 This very creative and useful collection offers pieces in all shapes and sizes. The variety allows for use in a multitude of ways including: introductions, interludes, preludes, postludes, and free a… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $39.00 Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $28.00 Paul Manz's hymn improvisations have long been essential repertoire for church organists. This collection of previously published works combines favorite improvisations on hymns that have wide ecumeni… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $29.95 A comprehensive collection of 50 hymn harmonizations covering all seasons of the church year. Includes traditional hymns, carols, ethnic folksongs, and twentieth-century hymns. Designed to help enrich… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $18.00 Introductions and harmonizations on fourteen often used tunes add to the congregation's efforts without overly obsuring the tempo or melody. The introductions capture the character of the hymn but are… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Thanksgiving Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.25 Includes: Praise and Thanksgiving/ Morning Has Broken BUNESSAN For the Beauty of the Earth DIX Holy God, We Praise Your Name GROSSER GOTT Now Thank We All Our God NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT Instrument… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $13.50 Exemplary writing. Includes: Come Down, O Love Divine DOWN AMPNEY Contemplative. Hail Thee, Festival Day SALVE FESTA DIES Celebrative, expansive. Holy God, We Praise Your Name GROSSER GOTT Robust.… | |
Organ Trumpet Congregation Moderately Easy Trinity Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $9.00 Based on the tune GROSSER GOTT. Functional, accessible, buoyant. Trinity Sunday, festive occasions, hymn festival. Trumpets (Medium)… | |
Piano Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Service Music for Piano
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Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.50 Calm, reflective. Varied styles. Each title includes varied harmonization. Includes: Abide with Us, Our Savior CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBEN Come, Ye Disconsolate CONSOLATOR/CONSOLATION Holy God,… |