Because the Latin text is the Credo (Latin for "I believe"), one part of the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass, the Nicene Creed has been set to music with Latin texts by numerous composers over the centuries. But one of the changes introduced by Vatican II, a major Roman Catholic council during the 1960s was to encourage worship in vernacular languages, creating a need for new settings.
Many Roman Catholic churches began to replace the historic Latin Mass settings with hymnody and choral music influenced by the commercial "folk style." Geoffrey Beaumont, a founder of the "20th Century Church Light Music Group," initiated this trend in England when he composed his 20th Century Folk Mass in 1956. Musicians throughout the world in both Roman Catholic and Protestant communities soon followed his example, including Herbert G. Draesel, Jr. (b. Jersey City, N.J, 1940), who composed this setting.
Draesel's setting is from his folk mass Rejoice (1964), which enjoyed popularity for some time in youth services. Draesel studied at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, and in 1964 received a divinity degree from General Theological Seminary in New York City. He was a curate and rector of the House of Prayer in Newark, New Jersey, and since 1975 has been rector of Grace Church, White Plains, New York.
The melody uses several chantlike melodic patterns, which are repeated and varied to carry the text. The tune also includes syncopations, a trademark of this musical style, If led by a choir, congregations should be able to learn this setting. Note that two metronome markings are given; the middle section should be sung more slowly. Some may prefer to use this creedal song primarily as a profession of faith sung by a youth choir accompanied with guitars (its original style).
Verlyn Schultz (b. Edgerton, MN, 1932) prepared the keyboard setting in 1985. A church organist, Schultz was a member and secretary of the Psalter Hymnal Revision Committee. He taught music at the Christian school in Fremont, Michigan, from 1959 to 1980, and since 1982 has been employed at the Christian Music Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook