Henry B. Hays (b. Clarksville, TN, 1920) composed CHICKAHOMINY, which was published in his collection of hymn tunes, Swayed Pines Song Book (1981). Hays was raised in the Protestant tradition but since the 1950's has been a Benedictine monk at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. A Civil War devotee, he has derived his hymn tune titles from names of battles or places associated with that war.
CHICKAHOMINY is a stirring tune that fits well with this text. The tune is marked by well-placed descending and ascending melodic figures; the final phrase was rhythmically simplified. Although part singing is possible on the middle stanzas, try having the group or congregation sing in unison throughout (but especially on st. 1 and 4). The hymn needs forceful accompaniment and surely requires a raised third on the final chord of stanza 4!
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook