1 Yonder over the valleys low,
Fair hills rise,
Stretching upward with light aglow,
To the skies.
Symbols they of that lofty height
Set above,
All agleam with the purer light
Of God’s love.
Onward, upward, to the heights above,
Into a clearer, purer light,
Into a realm of beauty bright,
Onward, upward, like a pilgrim band,
Seeking the glories of the promised land.
2 Leave the lowly and shadowed vale,
With its gloom,
There temptation and doubts assail,
Fear finds room.
Scorn the danger and dare the climb,
Gain the height,
Reach that summit of joy sublime,
With its light. [Refrain]
3 Ev’ry step in the upward way
Brings reward,
Draws us nearer, each passing day,
To our Lord.
He Who reigns on the great white throne
Is the Light,
That with glory to earth unknown
Crowns the height. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #94