1 Yes, I am satisfied with Christ;
He is far dearer unto me
Than ever I could fondly dream,
Or hope that he might be.
I’m satisfied with Christ,
And his sweet love to me,
And promise at his altar bowed,
His faithful child to be.
2 He is the Bread of Life to me,
The Light along the pilgrim way,
A Helper in the time of need,
When for his help I pray. [Refrain]
3 Yes, I am satisfied with Christ;
And evermore I hope to be,
Not only thro’ the years of life,
But thro’ eternity. [Refrain]
4 I covenant anew today,
As at the throne of grace I bow,
To recommit my soul to him,
And Christ my Lord avow. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #41