1 Ye who the love of a mother have known,
There is a love sweeter far you may own,
Love all-sufficient for sin to atone;
Jesus is dearer than all.
Dearer than all, yes, dearer than all,
He is my King, before Him I fall;
No friend like Jesus my soul can enthrall,
Jesus is dearer, far dearer than all.
2 Jesus entreats you in Him to confide,
Make Him your constant companion and guide;
He can do more than the whole world beside;
Jesus is dearer than all. [Refrain]
3 Heaven, with all of its beauty so rare,
With my Redeemer can never compare;
He is the glory transcendent up there;
Jesus is dearer than all. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Help: for the Sunday school, evangelistic and church services #64