1 Ye sons of men, come one and all!
Come to the Gospel feast;
Obey your blessed Saviours call:
O come and be his guest!
2 We bear his message unto you,
Commission'd by the Lord--
His promises, come prove them true,
And trust unto his word.
3 All things for you are ready now,
And precious is the treat!
And all you need he will bestow,
To make your joys complete.
4 We pray that you may all draw near,
And to the call attend;
They who refuse our call to hear,
Cannot be Jesus' friend.
5 Nothing pertaining to this life,
Should cause you to delay--
Not Land or Oxen, or a wife,
Keep you from Christ away.
6 Be ye not like the stubborn Jews,
Who all his calls disdain'd!
Because they did his grace refuse!
His curse on them remain'd.
7 He calleth not the Jews alone,
But all who will receive;
Come poor and needy, ev'ry one
Come ye to him and live.
8 But some ye, mow make no delay!
O come with speed and haste:
Lest he should in displeasure say--
My feast ye shall not taste.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #C