1 Ye sinners on backsliding bent,
God’s gracious call attend;
Shall not compassion so divine
Each stubborn spirit bend?
2 "How shall I give mine Israel up
To ruin and despair?
How pour down showers of flaming wrath
And make a Sodom there?
3 "My bowels strong relentings feel;
My heart is pained within;
I will not all My wrath exert,
Nor visit all their sin."
4 The mercy of a God restrains
The thunders of His hand;
Come, seek protection from that power,
Which you can ne’er withstand.
5 With trembling haste, O God, to Thee
Let sinners wing their flight;
As doves, when birds of prey pursue,
Down on their windows light.
6 Father, we seek Thy gracious arm,
All melted at Thy voice;
O may Thy heart, that feels our woes,
In our return rejoice.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10618