1 Ye servants of your God, his fame
In songs of highest praise proclaim:
Ye who, on his commands intent,
The courts of Israel's Lord frequent.
2 Him praise the everlasting king,
And mercy's unexhausted spring:
Haste, to his name your voices rear;
What name like his the heart can cheer?
3 Thy greatness, Lord, my thoughts attest,
With awful gratitude impress'd,
Nor know among the seats divine,
A power that shall contend with thine,
4 O thou, whose all-disposing sway,
The heavens, the earth, and seas obey;
Whose might through all extent extends,
Sinks through all depth, all height transcends;
5 From earth's low margin to the skies,
Now bids he pregnant vapors rise,
The lightning's pallid sheet expands,
And glads with show'rs the furrow'd lands:
6 Now from thy storehouse, built on high,
Permits the imprison'd winds to fly,
And, guided by thy will, to sweep
The surface of the foaming deep.
7 Him praise, the everlasting king,
And mercy's unexhasuted spring:
Haste, to his name your voices rear;
What name like his the heart can cheer?
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #VII