Ye saints exult with cheerful song,
Ye heavens be glad this morn,
And let the mountains leap for joy,
For Christ on earth is born.
Behold the Virgin Mother holds
The Child in warm embrace,—
The One-begotten Son of God,
Incarnate Word of grace.
And shepherds from their lonely watch,
By angel guidance given,
At Bethlehem found the Promised Child,
And praised the God of heaven.
And heavenly choirs their music poured,
Upon the stillness, then,
Ascribing glory unto God,
And peace on earth to men.
Lo, wise men from the Morningland,
Their costly treasures bear,
And at the manger worshipped low,
And laid their offerings there.
Now, with the angel host who sang,
We join our thankful praise,
To God the Father, God the Son,
And Holy Ghost, always.
Hymns from the Morningland, 1911