1 Ye sages, plac'd on judgment's awful seat,
Say, is your process just, without deceit?
2 Ah no! your hearts in villain-schemes are strong,
And with the shew of equity you wrong,
3 E'en from your infant-years from truth you stray'd,
And the vile dictates of your hearts obey'd.
4 Beneath your tongues a deadly poison lies,
Your ears you stop, when heav'nly wisdom cries,
So the fly asp, when music gives th' alarm,
Fears, 'tis the magic of some pow'rful charm.
6 But thou their teeth, O sov'reign ruler, bruize;
Thy justice sure the savage race pursues;
7 They bend the bow, the guiltless to deftroy;
O break their shafts, or let them fruitless fly,
As 'mid the pebbles flows the stream away,
So with a swift destruction vanish they:
8 Yes; let them melt, as melts the slow-pac'd snail;
Let death's grim horrid pow'r their souls assail;
Yes; vanish they like an abortive birth,
And tread no more with haughty steps the earth.
9 Nor let their off-spring long enjoy the day;
But with thy whirlwinds sweep them quick away;
Let them the fury of thine anger bear,
Ere crackling thorns evaporate in air.
10 The righteous shall thy awful vengeance see,
And own with joy thy glorious equity;
He in their impious blood shall wash his feet,
And say, "The justice of our God is great;
11 "That he our actions not indiff'rent views,
"But with strict vengeance wicked man pursues;
"That he a life of sanctity regards,
"And with his choicest gifts that life rewards."
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #LVIII