1 Ye gates of peace and joy untold,
Ye gates of righteousness, unfold,
That I may enter in and raise
A song of thankfulness and praise.
2 Within thy gates, O God of grace,
Thy saints shall find a dwelling-place;
My thanks and praise to Thee I bear,
My Savior, Who hast heard my prayer.
3 What wondrous thins the Lord hath wrought!
The stone the builders set at naught,
Established by no human hand,
The chiefest cornerstone doth stand.
4 In this the day the Lord hat made
to Him be joyful honors paid;
Let us Thy full salvation see,
O Lord, send now prosperity.
5 Hosanna! Praise to Him proclaim
Who cometh in Jehovah's Name;
May blessing from God's dwelling-place
Descend on us in boundless grace.
The Psalter: with responsive readings, 1912