I. Ye earthly vanities depart,
Forever hence remove;
Jesus alone deserves my heart,
And ev'ry thought of love.
II. His heart, where love and pity dwelt
In all their softest forms,
Sustain'd the heavy load of guilt,
For lost rebellious worms:
III. His heart, whence love abundant flow'd
To wash the stains of sin,
In precious streams of vital blood—
Here, all my hopes begin.
IV. Can I my bleeding Saviour view,
And yet ungrateful prove,
And pierce his wounded heart anew,
And grieve his injur'd love?
V. Forbid it Lord, O bind this heart,
This rebel heart of mine,
So firm, that it may ne'er depart,
In chains of love divine.
Source: Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, Vol. 1 #172