1. YE Christians in this nation,
Come all, and praise with me
Our Maker's preservation
In joyful harmony,
E'en at this present time,
When we new date our season,
And have the greatest reason
To love our Lord Divine.
2. Repeat with true devotion
The wonders of His grace,
Let no unhallowed notion
Destroy our thankfulness,
But still remember well
That this year's renovation
Renews our obligation
Too fight 'gainst sin and hell.
3. His grace is still preserving
Our peace in Church and State;
His love is never swerving,
In spite of Satan's hate;
Dispens'd with open hand
His plentiful productions,
Prevented all destructions
From this most sinful land.
4. His Father-like compassion
Regards our feeble frame,
When, turning from transgression,
We come in Jesus' name
Before His holy face,
Then every sinful motion
Is cast into the ocean
Of never-failing grace.
5. These mercies we're adoring,
O Lord, who dwell'st above,
Which Thou hast been restoring
Through Christ, the Son of Love;
In whom Thou wilt be pleased
To grant this year ensuing,
Grace, constant in well-doing,
Till we're from sin released.
Source: Church Hymnal for Lutheran Services #83