1 Ye blind that sit beside the way,
And beg for crumbs of worldly ease,
Jesus is passing by today,
With healing, power, love and peace.
Passing by, passing by,
Call, oh, call while He is nigh;
Passing by, passing by,
Call, oh, call while He is nigh.
2 Oh, ye who tire of sin's dark night,
And hope for yet a brighter day,
The Saviour now will be your light,
Behold He's passing on the way. [Refrain]
3 Tomorrow it may be too late,
These gracious seasons come and go;
Now is your time to fix your state
For ever lasting joy or woe. [Refrain]
4 Ye Christians who have often prayed
For full salvation from your sin;
No longer doubt nor be dismayed,
He's passing by you, take Him in. [Refrain]
5 The Holy Spirit brings Him near
That sinners by Him saved may be,
Believers fill with love and cheer
And sanctify them gloriously. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #236