1 Would you live for Jesus, would you have his love,
Would you feel his presence and his mercies prove?
Come in faith believing, fix your eyes above,
Trust in the Saviour and obey him.
Trust in the Saviour and obey him,
Trust in the Saviour and obey him;
He will give you peace, from every care release,
If you trust in the Saviour and obey him.
2 Would you know the fullness of his love and grace,
Would you see the beauty of his smiling face,
Would you in the kingdom find with him a place?
Trust in the Saviour and obey him. [Refrain]
3 Would you feel the cleansing of the Word applied,
Would you tread the footprints of the crucified,
Would you every moment in his love abide?
Trust in the Saviour and obey him. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #8