1 Would you find the way to heaven?
Come and ask Jesus to save you;
Would you know your sins forgiven?
Come and ask Jesus to save you.
He will light and joy impart
To your dark and weary heart,
He will bid your sin depart,
Come and ask Jesus to save you.
Come to the fountain of mercy today,
Come and your sins shall be taken away;
Come to the Saviour and earnestly pray,
Jesus will certainly save you.
2 Would you treasures have above?
Come and ask Jesus to save you;
Would you know the wealth of love?
Come and ask Jesus to save you.
Come, your loving Father meet;
See, he waits his child to greet;
Hasten on with eager feet;
Come and ask Jesus to save you. [Refrain]
3 Would you from your chains be free?
Come and ask Jesus to save you;
Would you cease a slave to be?
Come and ask Jesus to save you.
He is every captive’s friend;
If on him you now depend,
His right arm will you defend,
Come and ask Jesus to save you. [Refrain]
4 Would you gain yon heavenly shore?
Come and ask Jesus to save you;
Would you join those gone before?
Come and ask Jesus to save you.
He that lives who once was dead
Bore the cross; for you he bled;
He can soothe your dying bed,
Come and ask Jesus to save you. [Refrain]
Source: Showers of Blessing #83